When the imaginative minds at Discovery Channel's Monster Garage, led by the innovative Jesse James, decided to turn a 2005 Dodge Magnum into a train car marvel, our Shocker XL train horns were chosen to encapsulate the roaring spirit of a locomotive. The Magnum, initially a sleek and urban ride, underwent a metamorphosis that saw it don a custom cow catcher, embodying a visual spectacle reminiscent of a locomotive.
The Shocker XL train horns were meticulously installed to remain discreet yet formidable in delivering a thunderous blast synonymous with a train's powerful roar. As the Magnum made its triumphant run down the tracks in the episode's finale, the resonating bellow of the Shocker XL horns marked a grand conclusion to the audacious project. The thundering sound of the horns echoed the daring and inventive essence of Monster Garage, creating a blend of automotive and locomotive worlds in a resonating spectacle of sound and design.