Help Article - Minor Components
Help Article - Minor Components
Help Article - Minor Components

Pressure Switch

Possibly the most important minor component of your entire kit, without a properly working pressure switch, your kit will not work. While there isn’t really any maintenance that needs to be done (other than draining the tank on a regular basis), wiring your pressure switch is vital to getting your system to work.

The most important thing to note is that some pressure switches are sealed and some are not. While all pressure switches can be on systems installed outside the vehicle, some pressure switches are more weather resistant than others. If you plan on getting your ride wet or dirty on a regular basis, you want to get a sealed pressure switch, such as one that comes with leads.

Help Article - Minor Components

The Solenoid Valve

Your Solenoid Valve also commonly known as the Air Valve, is the component that controls the airflow to your horns. If installed improperly your horn will not sound off. Knowing how your solenoid valve works will ensure that your horns will sound off at your command.

The Solenoid Valve works by using a magnet and plunger. When the valve receives power it will activate the magnet that pulls the plunger up allowing air to pass through. The plunger is spring-loaded so as soon as the valve stops receiving power, the magnet disengages, causing the plunger to close immediately thus stopping the airflow. These valves are directional valves as well, so this means there is an inlet and outlet which can be determined by the arrow located on the brass body of the valve. When installing confirm the arrow is in the direction of flow (going towards the horns). Most valves have two of the same color wire due to it being dual polarity. Which means either wire can be the power or ground. Ground one wire near the valve and the other wire will go to your toggle switch/push button used to activate the horn.

Help Article - Minor Components

The Safety Blow-Off

Your safety blow-off is used to relieve pressure in cases of emergency. Using a loaded spring, once the pressure reaches a certain point it will release the spring, causing the fitting to release pressure from the tank. This fitting serves as a safety mechanism to prevent the tank from over-pressurizing.

The Safety Blow-Off valve is a fitting located on the tank in case of emergencies. When a pressure switch fails and continues to keep your compressor on, over-pressurizing the tank could cause it to rupture or possibly burst. The Safety Blow-Off is rated for a pressure that is a little bit higher than your Pressure Switch. For example, most of our kits run at 150 PSI and will have a 175 PSI Safety Blow-Off. A Safety Blow-Off is a must for any air system. Making sure you have one properly installed on your tank will ensure that should one part fail, the rest of your kit will stay intact and does not become a hazard due to an over-pressurized air tank.

Help Article - Minor Components
Help Article - Minor Components

The Air Gauge

Your Air Gauge is used to monitor the air pressure in the tank. Being able to monitor the tank's pressure allows for easier troubleshooting when diagnosing problems.

The Air Gauge is used to monitor the air pressure in the tank. We have two types of gauges, Digital Air Gauges and Analog Air Gauges. Most of our kits include a Analog Air Gauge, but many of our customers will also substitute it for a Digital Air Gauge so they may monitor it easily from the cab of the vehicle. While our systems are automatic and will regulate the air pressure for you, having an Air Gauge is highly important for diagnosing issues with your onboard air system. Simply having an Air Gauge installed could save you time and money by knowing exactly what issue you are having with your system instead of having to guess.