Preserving Power

If you have installed your system according to instructions, all of the hard work is done! We design our kits to be as worry-free as possible, so there really isn’t a ton of maintenance to be done as long as the install is done right. While maintenance isn’t complicated, it is highly important to do as failing to do so will significantly decrease the lifespan of your system or render it inoperable altogether.

Basic Maintenance

The number one enemy of any electrical component is water. Even if you install your kit perfectly, water still gets into your system naturally through the moisture in the air. That moisture then collects at the bottom of your air tank. As that water sits and builds up, moisture can spread throughout the system and get into your electrical components as well as corrode your tank. This can be prevented by simply draining your tank on a regular basis. You should drain your tank at least once a month, if not more often if you live in a humid climate. All you need to do is loosen the drain cock by turning it clockwise. You want to let it drain all of the air and water out of the tank. Don't forget to tighten it back up (turn counter-clockwise) when you are done.

Other than draining your air tank, the only real maintenance that you need to do is change the air filter on your compressor. Your air filter prevents debris from getting into your compressor. Too much debris build-up will cause your compressor to work harder to intake air and can cause it to overheat faster and take longer to fill, ultimately causing it to fail altogether. It's recommended that you change your air filter every three months. This will ensure that your compressor stays running fast and clean for years down the road.