

    Explore the versatility of our Electric Horns and Public Address Units, designed for effortless installation on motorcycles, cars, trucks, SUVs, boats, golf carts, and any vehicle with 12-volt power. These compact units deliver powerful sound without the need for an air system. With their ease of installation, they are the go-to choice for drivers seeking a loud and practical stock horn replacement!

    12 Produkte
    HornBlasters Compact Electric Horn
    Kompakte elektrische Hupe
    Perfect for Motorcycles
    6 reviews
    HornBlasters Electric Truck Horn
    Elektrische LKW-Hupe
    14 reviews
    HornBlasters 100 Watt Public Address with Sirens (Gen 3)
    100-Watt-Beschallung mit Sirenen (Gen 3)
    22 reviews
    HornBlasters Sniper Electric Horn
    Elektrische Scharfschützenhupe
    11 reviews
    HornBlasters PsychoBlasters V2 Horn Kit
    PsychoBlasters V2 Hupen-Kit
    16 reviews
    HornBlasters PsychoBlasters V2 Nightmare Edition Horn Kit
    PsychoBlasters V2 Nightmare Edition Horn-Kit
    47 reviews
    HornBlasters Motor-Driven Oogah/Klaxon Horn
    Motorbetriebene Oogah/Klaxon-Hupe
    5 reviews
    HornBlasters Chrome Motor-Driven Oogah/Klaxon Horn
    Chrom-Motorbetriebene Oogah/Klaxon-Hupe
    3 reviews
    HornBlasters Dixie Musical Horn
    23 reviews
    HornBlasters The Tequila Musical Horn
    Das Tequila-Musikhorn
    HornBlasters The La Cucaracha Musical Horn
    Das Musikhorn von La Cucaracha
    1 review
    HornBlasters The Godfather Musical Horn
    Der Pate - Musikhorn