Hi Guys! I'm Tyler and welcome to HornBlasters.com! Here at HornBlasters I am the webmaster (A.K.A the nerd in charge of our website). From taking product photos to coding the layout of our site you typically can find me indulging in everything HB on my computer. Aside from the tech side of my job I also help out with our social media and work along side our brand representatives to bring you the content you love and live for. Outside of HornBlasters you can find me enjoying my 2013 Mustang GT equipped with our Shocker XL train horns and my custom 2018 Polaris Sportsman 850 Highlifter.

Instagram: HornBlasters_Tyler
TikTok: HornBlasters_Tyler
Youtube: HornBlasters Tyler

Tyler - Tech / Web Development
Tyler - Tech / Web Development
Tyler - Tech / Web Development